It's that time again

all-church study

I Want to Sign Up

Need a Breakthrough?

God’s Spirit, God’s resurrection power, is always at work in the world, creating new possibilities and breathing new life into things. And God promises that, through Christ, we have access to this miraculous power. But how often do we actually experience and live in it? Most of us spend our prayer life looking inward and focused on our problems instead of looking up and out for the possibilities God has for us. We want something new, something fresh, something more, but we don’t know how to get there.

Are you feeling frustrated, stuck, overwhelmed or discontent? Are you unsure of what to do next? Does your prayer life feel flat? Do you pray because you think you’re supposed to, but you wonder if God really hears you? You may need a breakthrough; an opportunity to see supernatural possibilities beyond your earthly limitations.

Beginning September 17

Minnetonka United Methodist Church will be launching a 7-week sermon series; 6-week all-church study and an exciting, 28-day experiment in breakthrough prayer. The purpose of this initiative is to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit in your life and in the life of the church. I hope you will plan to participate fully!

Breakthrough prayer is a simple, powerful process of surrendering what we know for the mystery God wants to reveal. In it, we discover we’re not responsible for finding the ideas or the solutions but rather, trusting God to give us more than we could ever dream up on our own, and following what emerges.

What are the Expectations of Participants?

  • Read Open Road: The Adventure of a Breakthrough Prayer Initiative (a small, quick read that will lay a foundation for the prayer experiment to come), by Sue Nilson Kibbey.
  • Read Dynamite Prayer, by Rosario Picardo and Sue Nilson Kibbey, a daily prayer guide (similar to a devotional) that includes just 3 pages of daily reading.
  • Participate in a weekly small group in person or on Zoom to discuss the questions featured at the end of each chapter of Open Road, as well as the questions that accompany your daily prayer guide.
  • Participate in worship and other church activities that reinforce the material presented in the books. The sermon series will expand upon these ideas and explore biblical experiences of prayer in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. (Important Note: a person will NOT need to have read the books or participate in a small group to enjoy or be inspired by worship, but you are highly encouraged to do both!)

Small Group Options

Day Time Location Facilitator(s) Date of First Session
Tuesday 12:00-1:00 PM MUMC Conference Room / Zoom Dennis Olsen March 3
Wednesday 6:30-7:30 PM MUMC Conference Room / Zoom

Pastors Carrie Binnie and     Chris Carr, alternating

March 12
Thursday 1:00-2:00 PM MUMC Conference Room John and Carol Boyd March 6
Thursday 7:00-8:00 PM Zoom (with potential for in-person) Matt Abe March 6


How will the small groups work?

Small groups will meet at different times and places (including Zoom) for an hour. When you sign-up, you will be able to select a group based on the day/time/location that works best for you.

What if I want to participate but none of the small groups will be meeting at a time that works for me?

You are welcome to take and read/use copies of the books on your own. Talk to Pastor Carrie if you would like to be partnered for conversation with another person.

know someone who might want give this study a try—is it for MUMC people only?

Absolutely not! Any and all persons are invited and encouraged to participate!

Is there a cost to participating in the congregational study?

You're invited to give a free-will donation to help cover the cost of both books (suggested donation $21). Regardless of a person’s financial situation, we encourage everyone in our faith community to pick up a copy of each book.

When are sign-ups?

Sign-ups will be available online shortly and in-person, beginning Kickoff Sunday, September 10. You can pick-up copies of the books outside the Sanctuary.

I Want to sign up

Who do I contact if I have questions and/or I’m interested in helping out in some way?

Contact Pastor Carrie with any/all of your questions, ideas, concerns, or availability to help.