Baptisms are an important part of our worship, life, and ministry together at Minnetonka United Methodist Church. The act of baptism gives those present the opportunity to respond to God’s loving claim on the life of the person being baptized. In other words, baptism doesn’t just involve one person or family, but the whole of Minnetonka United Methodist Church - all of whom serve as representatives of the family of Christ.
People of all ages are eligible for baptism. We typically baptize by sprinkling and anoint the newly-baptized into Christ’s service. Church membership is not required for baptism. That said, as the body of believers who pledge to care and pray for you in your life and ministry, we hope you will consider membership and making MUMC your church home. As United Methodists, we recognize and honor baptisms done in other churches and denominations, which means we do not practice rebaptism.
To schedule a baptism, please fill out the form below. Our pastor will reach out to you to schedule a time to meet. Together, you will discuss the meaning of baptism, go over the baptismal vows and walk through logistics related to baptism in the worship service. All baptized persons receive a baptismal certificate and candle, as well as a beautiful prayer shawl made with love by people in the congregation