Growing and Living in God’s love


We Love Kids!

At Minnetonka United Methodist Church, we’re passionate about helping children develop hearts for Jesus and assisting parents and care providers as they build and nurture a foundation of faith in the lives of the children they love. If there’s one message we want kids to know, it’s that God loves them exactly as they are, and that God always will.  

New to Minnetonka United Methodist Church? While there's no need to sign kids up for Sunday School or Quest, we do ask that every participant have a completed Child Participation form on file. Save yourself a little time and help us to be prepared by completing the form before you arrive!

Child participation form

Sunday Mornings

Children of all ages are always welcome in worship. Nursery care and Sunday School are also offered during our Sunday morning services. We begin the morning together as one worshipping community. After the Children’s Time (when kids are encouraged to come forward for a special message), Kindergarten through sixth graders are invited to head downstairs for Sunday School. Parents are asked to pick up their child(ren) from Sunday School upon the conclusion of worship, and all are invited to join us for refreshments upstairs.

Should you choose to have your child(ren) remain in worship with you, there are worship bags available for their use in the lobby area (look for the child check-in area--you’ll find the bags hanging from the front of the desk). The bags contain books, activities, crayons, etc. related to the biblical passages and theme for the day.

Sunday School

Sunday school is always a blast in the children’s wing downstairs! We strive to create an environment where each child feels welcome, loved by God, encouraged by their teachers and accepted by one another. The curriculum we use is designed and adapted to reach 4-year-olds through 6th graders. Together, we learn about the power of Scripture in creative and fun ways that we believe will lay a solid foundation for a lifetime of faith.

Sunday School is led by our Director of Music and Children's Ministries and in collaboration with adult volunteers and youth assistants. We require all of our staff and adult volunteers who work with children to have passed background checks. We also request that all families sign their children up to participate beforehand either online or in-person, before the start of worship. And because we value the safety and well-being of all, we also ask that adults check in and out the children in their care each week.

Child participation form

Wednesday Night Quest

Following dinner (5:30 – 6:30 PM) upstairs, kids in first through sixth grades participate in Quest from 6:30 – 7:30 PM on Wednesdays during the school year. Our curriculum, Bible Black Belts, is led by our Director of Music and Chlidren's Ministries in cooperation with our adult volunteers, and features interactive lessons that engage the minds, hearts and hands of kids in age-appropriate ways. We learn Bible stories, develop friendships and focus on doing good – a staple for United Methodists!

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

The best week of the year BY FAR is VBS week! Youth and adult volunteers work with our staff to put on a week of fun, hands-on learning, Bible stories, music and more. Our theme for 2024 was Camp Firelight. This year, it's Wonder Junction! This is a faith formation experience you won’t want your child(ren) to miss!

Tell Me About VBS 2025

VBS Photos

Volunteer With Children’s Ministries

Are you ready to join the fun and help the youngest among us encounter the love of Christ? Every youth or adult has gifts to share when it comes to VBS, Sunday School, special events and more. Please consider helping out and simultaneously passing the torch to the next generation. To get started, please email our Director of Children’s, Youth and Family Ministries by filling out the online interest form using the button below.

Interest Form

Nursery Care

Nursery care at Minnetonka United Methodist Church is designed to provide a safe, enjoyable and loving environment in which infants, children and adults can interact. Once a child begins Kindergarten, they are invited to participate in Sunday School. Because we know the value of consistency and routine in a little one’s life, the nursery is staffed between 9:45am-11:15 AM on Sundays. Childcare is also offered on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 until 7:45 PM upon advance request. The nursery may be staffed at additional times as needed.

We give each household a Welcome to the Nursery Letter outlining our policies and procedures. Families new to the nursery are asked to complete a nursery registration form that is then kept on file for future use.

nursery documents

Upcoming Events

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