We're saving a spot for you!

VBS 2025

Where: Minnetonka United Methodist Church 17611 Lake Street Extension, Minnetonka, MN 55345

Who: Children Ages 3 - Entering 6th Grade

Cost: Free! Due to a Generous Gift, VBS is FREE for All!

Wonder Junction

Howdy, partners! Welcome to Wonder Junction! Here at Wonder Junction, we travel through the Old West while marveling at Jesus' birth, childhood, ministry, death and resurrection, and coming return. Kids will be challenged to grow their knowledge and discover the joy that comes with praising Jesus! Throughout the week kids will explore the Old West while learning stories and engaging in activities that will help their understanding of who he really is. Here your kids will ask BIG questions, learn about Jesus and how to live for his glory—the greatest joy there is!

Are you between the ages of 11 - 111 and interested in helping

with this incredible week of faith formation, friends and fun?

I Want to volunteer