Next Steps

Everyone has a next step. What's yours?

We hope our church can be a place to call home and a people with whom you can connect. You are invited to worship with us on Sundays at 10:00 AM. Children’s Sunday school and nursery care are offered concurrently with worship. We plan to launch additional worship service styles and times as we continue to grow.

In the meantime, please take a moment to fill out a Digital Connection Card so we can follow up with you and answer any questions you might have. Our dedicated team would love to connect with you, hear your story and help you find the best place to flourish.

There is a place for you at Minnetonka United Methodist Church, where there is always room for one more.


A Spiritual Foundation


Join us at 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary every Sunday. Services are livestreamed and also available for viewing on demand, as it works best with your schedule.

Worship Live Past Services

Time to Connect


Dinner is served between 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM on Wednesday nights throughout the school year, followed by programming and classes, small groups and music ministry opportunities for all ages. All are welcome.

one less meal to plan!

find community


Whether you’re taking your first step or your next step in faith, we are eager to help you connect with others who are striving to do the same. Because we care about all aspects of your health (i.e., spiritual, mental, physical), we offer a variety of opportunities for growth in such areas.

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Welcome to the Family


In blessing us with the gift of life, God offers a loving YES to each and every one of us. The Sacrament of baptism is a means of rebirth and initiation into the Church of Jesus Christ. It is our YES in response to God’s gracious gift.


A Deeper Commitment


Active participation in the church often leads people to become members of the church. When we become members, we profess our faith in God, our desire to live as disciples of Jesus and commit to uphold our baptismal vows together in Christian community.

Tell Me More

something for everyone


In order for the Church to exist in the world, God’s people must work together and attend to the mission of Jesus Christ. Sharing in the various ministries of the church is a great way to participate in our collective call to discipleship.


Make a Difference


Loving and serving God and neighbor are deeply embedded values in our United Methodist DNA. When we serve others, we are continuing the work of Jesus in the world.

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