Music and The Arts
Worship Music
We are a church who strives to bring inclusivity to everything we do. As it relates to worship, inclusiveness means that we offer modern music while also utilizing contemporized versions of traditional hymns. Our professional jazz band leads the music once every other month and congregational singing is incorporated into every worship service. While the services tend to follow a similar weekly flow, the feel of worship can vary from contemplative to interactive, or something in-between. Whatever your music and style preference, we’re confident you’ll experience it here.
"Praise God!
Praise God in the sanctuary and under the open skies!
Praise God’s acts of power and magnificent greatness!
Praise God with trumpet sound; with lute and harp!
Praise God with tambourine and dance; with strings and flute!
Praise God with clanging cymbals; with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that breathes praise our Creator God!"- Psalm 150