Sunday mornings are busy at Minnetonka United Methodist Church, and we would be grateful for your help! All volunteer opportunities are scheduled on rotation to give you a chance to serve in more than one way or have a Sunday off. Thank you for helping us put our best foot forward!
Digital Worship Host – Hop on Facebook and greet our online worshipers, post links for easy access (i.e., Digital Connection Card), highlight important points in the sermon, receive prayer requests and offer follow up care as applicable. Training provided.

Soundboard – Run the soundboard during worship or for other special events. Training and compensation available.
Livestream – Record worship services live, utilizing more than one camera angle. Training provided.
On-Screen Projection – Run ProPresenter, software designed specifically for on-screen projection during worship services. Training provided.
Scripture Reader – Just like it sounds - read Scripture during worship. Instruction provided.
Serve Communion – Serve Communion during worship on Communion Sundays (typically the first Sunday of the month) or during special services. Instruction provided.
Guest Preach – Preach the sermon and lead worship when Pastor Carrie is away.
Usher – Pass out worship programs, assist people needing help to their seat, usher people forward when Communion is served, count the number of worshipers in attendance.
Greeter – Warmly welcome people to the building on Sunday mornings. Please consider holding the front door open for them as they arrive!

Refreshments – If applicable, pick up donut holes from Cub (just down the street) and prepare, serve and clean up coffee and donuts. (Dishes are washed by a paid staff member.)
Digital Worship Host - Hop on Facebook and greet our online worshipers, post links for easy access (i.e., Digital Connection Card), highlight important points in the sermon, receive prayer requests and offer follow up care as applicable. Training provided.
Welcome Desk – Staff the Welcome Desk for 15 minutes before and after worship, answer questions, introduce guests to others, distribute welcome bags for first-time worshipers. Instruction Provided.
Supply Communion Elements – Pick up and prepare the bread and grape juice for Communion. After cubing the bread and pouring juice into the individual cups (if applicable), arrange them on Communion trays and place on the Communion Table in the Sanctuary. Remove and clean up the elements after worship. Specific instruction provided.
Sanctuary Preparation – Tidy up the Sanctuary before and/or after worship, sharpen pencils (as applicable), pre-set supplies requested by Pastor Carrie (i.e., fill the baptismal font with water).
Song Leader – Stand with the band in the front of the Sanctuary and lead congregational singing from a microphone.

Handbell Choir – Rehearse with the Handbell Choir twice/month and play during worship when scheduled.
Pop-Up Choir – Meet for occasional rehearsals and singing during worship when scheduled.

Sunday School Teacher/Leader – Assist our Director of Children’s, Youth and Family Ministries in leading Sunday School.
Nursery Substitute – Serve in the nursery when our Attendant is unavailable.
* Note: All paid and volunteer positions require training and an approved background check.
Counter – Together with another volunteer, count the financial gifts given on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. Write up and share a brief report. Instruction provided.
Sanctuary Preparation - Tidy up the Sanctuary before and/or after worship, sharpen pencils (as applicable), pre-set supplies requested by Pastor Carrie (i.e., fill the baptismal font with water).