WELCOME to new and veteran individuals interested in staffing the Welcome Desk and welcoming guests to Minnetonka United Methodist Church. Thank you for stepping up to serve Christ and his church in this way!
You are the WHO that makes the Welcome Desk so welcoming! Below, you will find answers to the What, Why, When, Where and How.
WHAT - Duties at the Welcome Desk include:
- Be a smiling, friendly presence behind the desk – greet people by name or introduce yourself – be sure to wear a name tag, ask what brought them to MUMC
- Offer a Welcome Bag to first-time guests
- Be available to answer guests' questions, lead guests to other church members or staff who might be best able to answer questions or write down guests' questions to follow up on and get back to them
- Other things at the desk: Lost and Found (in plastic bin under the desk), extra Newsletters, handouts, “giveaways”
- Cover the Welcome Desk when you notice it is unattended
WHY - To be a one-stop shop for all things guests might need
WHEN - Ideally, all Welcome Desk Team members will sign up for one slot per month and two people will serve behind the desk during each shift.
- Please plan to arrive at 9:30 AM and stay at the desk until worship begins
- Please exit the Sanctuary after the final worship hymn (and before the "Sending Forth") to staff the Welcome Desk after worship
- We ask that you remain at the Welcome Desk for 20 minutes after worship concludes
WHERE - The church lobby
HOW - Sign up to serve at the Welcome Desk
Sign Up to Staff the Welcome Desk
You will receive a reminder email from the church's Office Administrator. If a conflict arises and you are no longer able to serve during your shift, please make every effort to find your replacement and/or switch dates with another volunteer. Please also notify the church office promptly.
Thank you for serving in this way! You are appreciated!