Series: The Chosen: Season 1
March 13, 2022 | Rev. Carrie Binnie
Passage: Isaiah 43:1-10
As our sermon series based on season one of The Chosen continues, we observe what has been called Jesus’ first public miracle at a wedding in Cana. His wedding gift to the couple: a steady supply of wine after they run out initially. But how can we focus on a wedding story in Scripture when war has broken out on the other side of the world? Maybe the better question is, how is God calling you to share your gifts and make a difference? |
Series Information

For the next 8 weeks, Minnetonka United Methodist Church will begin a sermon series following the #1 highest crowd-funded project of all time, The Chosen, a multi-season television series based on Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus. Opportunities will be provided for viewing and discussing the show in small groups, and weekly worship will unpack the biblical narratives inspiring each episode. Join us as we experience for ourselves the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, as presented through the eyes of the people who followed him.