Series: Building Beloved Community
January 22, 2023 | Rev. Carrie Binnie
Passage: Mark 14:3-9
In a world cracked open by racism and revealing White privilege, implicit bias and microaggressions, what does lavish love of God and neighbor even look like? How do we change the fabric of society so that we can go about the work of building beloved community? Perhaps the first step toward transformation involves acknowledging and naming our part in perpetuating systemic injustice.
Series Information

How does the Church, historically tethered to establishment, colonialism and empire become a Church who lives into our God-desired identity as people who love and follow Jesus, live in solidarity with those who are oppressed and seek the equitable flourishing of all creation? Put simply, how can we build what the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and others have described as “beloved community?” Join us as we delve into questions like these and consider our next steps as people of faith.