Series: The Chosen: Season 2
February 26, 2023 | Rev. Carrie Binnie
Passage: Matthew 5:1-12
Episode 3 of The Chosen further suggests what the lives of those who were closest to Jesus may have been like. We can relate to their emotions and questions, laughter and frustrations. But when Jesus arrives on the scene, their arguments are silently put into perspective and the disciples are confronted with a lesson on the importance of meekness. What does living a meek life look like for us today?
Series Information

For the next 8 weeks, our sermon series will again follow the #1 highest crowd-funded project of all time, The Chosen. Each week, we will unpack biblical narratives that inspire the episodes of season two of this multi-season television series based on the Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus. Experience anew his life and teachings, as presented through the eyes of the people who followed him.