past worship services


A Dysfunctional Family

Is your family a bit dysfunctional at times? You’re not alone! Starting all the way back in the book of Genesis, we see family dynamics that carry forward dysfunctional traits across generations. Despite this reality, God still chose these people, our ancestors of the faith, to be God’s people. As we seek to learn from the ancient stories and apply our learnings to life today, we’ll discover a hope grounded in the unmerited grace of our Creator.

Sermons: A Dysfunctional Family

June 09, 2024

This One's a Doozy

Jesus calls us to develop households based on a zimzum approach to...

June 02, 2024

Circular Blessings

Through acts of blessing, God paves the way for restoration.

May 12, 2024


By the grace of God, we don’t have to repeat our parents’ mistakes.

April 28, 2024


God desires loving relationships, free of abuse, for all people.

April 14, 2024


God blesses us in covenant relationship, summoning us to bless one another.